This is great advice, Jimmy. I often forget to play it bigger during my show. I have an advantage bc I'm really tall (6'6"), I just have to remind myself to capitalize on it. I remember watching one of your first YouTube videos years ago - single ball manipulation to hat to jumbo ball out of the hat. I tweaked the routine and handling and finish with a 5" red Dube juggling ball dropping from my hat. I had the idea, once it drops, to raise my hat high then simultaneously lower the hat while raising that big red ball above my head. Breaking that ceiling allows it to be seen from quite a distance and always attracts a crowd. All that's to say - I was on the right track back then, I just need to do this throughout my show. Thanks for this tutorial!!
This brings up two great points with me. Yes you certainly do have an advantage being so tall as a showman. I'm not and I have found I have to make up for this by getting higher on a stoop or more animated. I will say, you should be careful usually in the beginning of your crowd build for the first people walking up by themselves because taller people can be a little intimidating, but once they feel comfortable with your size you can capitalize and own that show space better than anyone else for sure. The second point, is that you do what I have always done, which is to watch a performance, figure it out and then tweak it to make it your own, That was the purpose of all my performance video I did in the past, it was put out there for guys like you who didn't really need tutorials and could read my secret message. So this comment of yours really touched my heart thank you sir! The tutorials I do now are to show the subtleties that can be elusive by just watching the performance and to help out those looking for moves and plots that are best suitable for the street. Much of the magic being sold on the market can't work on the street as advertised, they need to be tailored.
I agree, my height can be intimidating but I've found a smile goes a long way. And as Cellini says - stop a child, stop the world.
I love your old videos from 15 years ago - it felt like the first time in awhile that I was watching real magic. Being able to figure things out is a blessing and a curse. I sometimes wish I didn't know what to look for bc I love being fooled.
And you're right, the magic being sold today isn't practical for a street performer. I'm drawn more to the classics and manipulation. Something that takes time to learn and master feels so much better to perform and I feel is more entertaining for a street crowd. Plus, if you add your creativity to it, it seems like something new to a layman.
This is great advice, Jimmy. I often forget to play it bigger during my show. I have an advantage bc I'm really tall (6'6"), I just have to remind myself to capitalize on it. I remember watching one of your first YouTube videos years ago - single ball manipulation to hat to jumbo ball out of the hat. I tweaked the routine and handling and finish with a 5" red Dube juggling ball dropping from my hat. I had the idea, once it drops, to raise my hat high then simultaneously lower the hat while raising that big red ball above my head. Breaking that ceiling allows it to be seen from quite a distance and always attracts a crowd. All that's to say - I was on the right track back then, I just need to do this throughout my show. Thanks for this tutorial!!
This brings up two great points with me. Yes you certainly do have an advantage being so tall as a showman. I'm not and I have found I have to make up for this by getting higher on a stoop or more animated. I will say, you should be careful usually in the beginning of your crowd build for the first people walking up by themselves because taller people can be a little intimidating, but once they feel comfortable with your size you can capitalize and own that show space better than anyone else for sure. The second point, is that you do what I have always done, which is to watch a performance, figure it out and then tweak it to make it your own, That was the purpose of all my performance video I did in the past, it was put out there for guys like you who didn't really need tutorials and could read my secret message. So this comment of yours really touched my heart thank you sir! The tutorials I do now are to show the subtleties that can be elusive by just watching the performance and to help out those looking for moves and plots that are best suitable for the street. Much of the magic being sold on the market can't work on the street as advertised, they need to be tailored.
I agree, my height can be intimidating but I've found a smile goes a long way. And as Cellini says - stop a child, stop the world.
I love your old videos from 15 years ago - it felt like the first time in awhile that I was watching real magic. Being able to figure things out is a blessing and a curse. I sometimes wish I didn't know what to look for bc I love being fooled.
And you're right, the magic being sold today isn't practical for a street performer. I'm drawn more to the classics and manipulation. Something that takes time to learn and master feels so much better to perform and I feel is more entertaining for a street crowd. Plus, if you add your creativity to it, it seems like something new to a layman.
I love how you think Sir. I can relate to everything you said. Also I love being fooled too, it's one of the reasons I got into magic.